The journey we take you on is broken down step by step.  Each day you complete a mission the moves you one step towards building your own business and bringing your idea to life.  

Your daily missions move you towards completing an expedition.  Completing an expedition means you’ve reached a place on your journey where you can take a moment to reflect on where you’ve got to, admire the view and get ready for the next leg of your journey.

What's on the Journey

Mission 1Prepare
Miission 2BBQ Pitch
Mission 3Cuppa Tea
Mission 4Thank you letter from the future
Mission 5Ask someone on the programme to give you feedback
Mission 6Ask someone you know outside the programme to give you feedback
Mission 7Interrogation techniques
Mission 8Become a filmstar! Do your video pitch
Mission 9Listen to 2 people (Don’t pitch your idea, just listen)
Mission 10Pitch a kid! – Pitching an idea to a younger kid.
Mission 11Write your Press Release
Mission 12Send your press release out to your friends for feedback
Mission 13Rewrite your BBQ Pitch
Mission 14Quit! Or Double Down!
Mission 1
Find 5 articles your ideal customer has read in the last week
Mission 2What does their to-do list look like
Mission 3What are your customers hopes and fears?
Mission 4Journal of a bad day
Mission 5What’s in their wallet?
Mission 6Absorb everything you’ve seen
Mission 7Crete your customer canvas
Mission 8The Mom Test – watch the video
Mission 9Find out where your customers hang out
Mission 10Write down 5 customer names (of real customers!)
Mission 11Write down 3 questions for your customers
Mission 12Map out the people who matter to your customers
Mission 13set up time to speak with real customers!
Mission 14Quit! Or Double Down!


From the very fist mission you will see that we like to have fun while we get stuff done!  While we often throw you straight into doing things without explaining them first, there is always method to our madness.  Actually (and we hate to admit it) we really love all the details of how to do innovation well and bring your ideas to life following a method that is tried and tested. 

Get ready to be challenged.  Both with the missions and with our super special way quitting parties! We actually ask you to quit at the end of every expedition.  We don’t just ask you to quit, we ask you to quit and to celebrate quitting. That’s because so many people who start their businesses realise far too late that they should have quit and done something else.  We know quitting is a critical skill